Meditation, relaxation and hypnotherapy audios can be such a beautiful, gentle way to support yourself throughout life’s adventures. Whether you’re looking for some space, peace or a way to move forward through finding your own answers within, I am confident there will be something here in this audio library that is perfect for you and wherever you’re at on your current journey.

If your heart is craving something that is not currently offered on this page, I would love you to reach out to me and let me know. My plan is to continue adding to this library over time and I welcome the opportunity to create something that will feel both beneficial and supportive to you.

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Liz Walton Office Relaxation
This 15-minute Office Relaxation is perfect for relaxing and letting…
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Deep Relaxation Audio Tile - Liz Walton
A guided Deep Relaxation. Listen during the day to calm…
Min: 1
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Enjoy Learning Audio Cover -Liz Walton
This 20-minute guided audio will relax your mind and enhance…
Min: 1
Step: 1

Click on the Audio Name for more information. All prices in AUD

An incredibly relaxing professional audio, with the most soothing tone that helps you relax quickly, with ease.

I have insomnia and listened daily for 2 weeks either before sleep,  or awake during the day and at 4 am.

Each time Liz’s meditation calmed my busy brain and I felt more centered and light afterward, drifting into a positive good quality sleep. Definitely my go to sleep meditation.

Thank You

Elena - UK

Just as Divine timing works,
I received Liz Waltons relaxing audio at the perfect time.
Firstly that voice of hers just calms the nervousness system from the first minute, and then you get to marinade in the journey she sends you on.
I highly recommend these audios and her techniques as they stay with you for days afterward. I often find myself in the places she took me in my mind’s eye during the day. Thank you so much Liz for bringing such a great tool to us all

Joanne Holbrook

Author - Your Passport to Parenting

About my audio resources and my journey to hypnotherapy

Image of Liz Walton

I usually give gift an audio away to every client that comes to see me.

One day, one of my beautiful clients asked, “How do we buy these audios, Liz? It was at that moment that I realised I don’t didn’t have a way for my audios to be shared with others.

This is how my audio resource library was born.

It wasn’t until I had a very difficult time in my life during my fertility journey, that I really embraced using meditation, relaxation, and Hypnotherapy audios to support me. I found them so helpful. To find that space inside me, to lower my stress levels, to find hope and peace, and to know I can find a path forward. I also found listening to these audios helped me to create a space to find the answers within me.

That is how I started to learn hypnotherapy. I have trained in a few different Hypnotherapy modalities and now create meditation and hypnotherapy audios for all sorts of issues including fertility. You can find these audios for purchase in my audio resource library.

Within this library you will find a wonderful cornucopia of all my audios that are designed to support you in different areas of your life. You can download these audios to all your devices and allow my voice to guide you on your journey. Every audio is infused with my love, my passion, and my heart, knowing that this will help you create the change you so desire. My prayer is that you will find them beneficial and supportive. In truth, I know you will love them, as I am so passionate about making them.